100% Normandy


Major names in classical and contemporary music were also born in Normandy: Sébastien de Brossard in Dompierre (1656 -1726), Alexandre Choron in Caen (1771-1834), Daniel Auber in Caen (1792-1871), Erik Satie in Honfleur (1866-1925), Marcel Dupré in Rouen (1886-1971), Arthur Honegger in Le Havre (1892-1955), Philippe Hurel in Domfront and Eric Tanguy in Caen.
The Conservatoires in Caen and Rouen.
Variety: Bourvil born in Prétot-Vicquemare (1917-1970), Daniel Balavoine in Alençon (1952-1996), Gérard Lenorman in Bénouville, Orelsan in Alençon.